We believe wedding photography is all about crafting the most beautifully composed, natural images that capture the beauty, atmosphere & emotion of your special day.

Our take on light documentary forms a large part of what we do, so the majority of the time we hope you’ll forget we’re there as we stand back & capture all the wonderful moments as they unfold. However, we love shaping more structured shots & think it is important to take a short time for these too. Taking inspiration from fashion & lifestyle photography, at each wedding we gently direct a couples session to organically produce natural, elegant and genuinely romantic images.

We also understand the time and thought that has been put into creating all the details and decorations at your wedding so don’t miss an opportunity to take pretty still lives of everything from your dress and shoes to the canapé’s and bridal bouquets. These also serve as great images to juxtapose next to people shots in the final album.

With all your favourite people at your wedding; during the ceremony, reception, speeches and dinner, we will photograph them too. Whether that be candidly from a distance as they enjoy a glass of champagne or together with their loved ones as we take them to one side for a quick portrait or group shot.

We understand this day only happens once so we strive to be 100% flexible by working with you to achieve the best results possible, whilst giving you the space & time to make the most of your fabulous wedding.